Inspect Clean and Tighten For a Successful Thermographic Inspection
If you’re ready to have an infrared thermographic inspection, there are a few things you should do to get ready.Visually inspecting and cleaning your machinery before we arrive can help us get a clear reading of any problems that might exist.
This will also help keep your machinery running smoothly as a thorough cleaning will help you find small issues before they become big ones.
Keep reading to find out exactly how to inspect, clean, and tighten before your thermographic inspection.
Step 1: Cleaning
The first thing you need to do is clean everything. This will involve a lot more than running a damp rag over everything you see, so be prepared to get your hands dirty. Cleaning all of your machinery could take several hours.
Essentially, your goal is to remove everything that it’s part of the machine. Turn everything off first so you can freely remove caps and covers and nuts and bolts to get into every nook and cranny.
Follow any cleaning and safety protocol that is in place, and be sure that everything surrounding the machines is also cleaned. That includes gauges, conveyors, and cabinets.
Step 2: Inspection
Once your machine is grime-free, you can get a good look at everything. Use a tag system to note any problems you come across so they can be addressed as soon as possible.
You need to use several of your senses to properly inspect all of the equipment, not just your sight. You should also be listening for strange sounds, feeling for unusual heat or loose parts, and smelling for leaks.
Here are a few of the problems that you’ll want to look out for and tag if found:
- Broken, worn, or missing parts
- Abnormal movement including shaking or vibrating
- Gas or fluid leaks
- Any unusual sounds, odors, or discolorations
If pulleys or belts are present, you’ll need to make sure the entire length of that component is in good working order. This is something that can be easily missed if the worn part is not visible during the inspection.
Step 3: Tighten
As much as possible, you want to tighten nuts and bolts. This is especially true if you loosened anything during the cleaning process.
Things like filters and worn-out belts can be replaced prior to our visit. However, if you have other problems, you may want to wait for our arrival. We can help identify sources of leaks and other potential problems to ensure you fix the right part.
You should also feel free to tag any area of the machine that you feel might not be working right even if you weren’t able to find any obvious problems. This will allow us to give special attention to that area and find out exactly what’s going on there.
Ready for Your Thermographic Inspection?
Once you’ve gotten everything cleaned, inspected, and tightened, you’re ready for our specialists to come out and provide a thermographic inspection.
If you have any concerns or questions about what you should do to prepare, contact us today and we’ll be more than happy to address your concerns and answer your questions.